...of knowledge...

Category: By imakubex

this subject is of rather curious interest to me, for some reason that i myself cannot comprehend...

but since we are talking about this, then i would just like to put forth one part of the subject, not to do it injustice, but simply because this is the part that i can think of writing as of now...

we Muslims tend to remember the achievements of the past, the grandeur that was Islamic civilization, the greatness of the bygone ages, the power and majesty wielded by the Sultans, etc...

we are impressed and taken aback by the huge architectural marvels that is Al-Andalus, that of Turkey, those built in India, etc...

we admire greatly the culture of learning in the Islamic world, the findings of the Islamic scholars, the civilization that is brought into the world, etc...

yet we seldom think of the reason why it was so great...

why the Islamic civilization is so very unique...

people say that it is unique because it is a civilization that springs forth from a desert with not much resources to harvest, and that it is unique because it is a civilization built upon religion...

yes, these claims have their merits, but we always forget that the Islamic civilization was built on the premise of pleasing the Lord of the Worlds...

and when the Muslims deviate from this path, the civilization that was so very great fell in such a small time, that it seemed incomprehensible...

we always forget that the achievements of the past was done for the sake of ALLAH, and that they regarded revealed knowledge as being the at the top of the knowledge hierarchy...

we tend to forget that knowledge all stem from a single Originator, but we often see knowledge as being fragmented pieces that do not fit. we segregate knowledge of, say, science from religion, social science from religion, social science from science, mathematics from law...

to me, all these different areas of knowledge are all interconnected..


simply because we are bounded by what we see and experience...

law, for instance, can be linked to social science, which is rather obvious. but the behaviour of humans is connected to the activities of the brain, which is the realm of biology. the brain, however, uses electrical signals which obey the laws of physics, which uses maths as its language...

therefore, although a bit far fetched, there is a connection between all the areas of knowledge just because we think in a certain way and that we are bounded by this and the world we live in...


1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous 6 February 2008 at 08:53
    The correlation between physical and non physical elements in this universe is undeniable..(when i say elements, i mean EVERYTHG ie, humans, emotions, knowledge, stars, soul ,nebulas, oxygen ,basically EVERYTHG..)...and it's a wonder that it stems from the one and only Almighty power (Allah swt)...

    Those who can think for themselves (Good for them, and that includes you, Imrantech),fortunately have the advantage of increasing their faith n iman..

    N those who don't...ermm...I have no say in this matter..Shall leave it in the hands of God...Wallahualam...

Something to say?